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This area of our website should provide you, the past, present, and future members of St Paul's, with information about what we are doing and why we are doing it. I hope you will use this information as a basis for prayer, discussion and engagement with the wide range of active ministries described in these pages.

The three main objectives for St Paul's in 2011 were:
  • Improve internal and external communications.
  • Start to review the church's Vision Strategy.
  • Continue incremental development during the absence of the Vicar (February - August 2011).

The first two objectives are in hand and the third is complete. He is back! In his absence incremental progress continued e.g. the appointment of Sarah Hounslow as Outreach Children's Worker.

The three main objectives for St Paul's in 2012 are:
  • To implement further changes in communications as recommended in the communications review e.g. upgrade office computer system and car park.
  • Complete review of the church's Vision Strategy and encourage congregational ownership.
  • Prepare for a major parish evangelistic mission in spring 2013.

The "Annual Activity Report" on the activities of St Paul's church reflects the way in which ministry is structured in the church with each ministry grouping (or 'bubbles') having its own section.
This organisation has developed as a means of enabling and supporting every member ministry in the church to achieve the goals of the church vision strategy.
This is not just about maintaining the church, but more importantly by 'Living Christ in Camberley' in all of its many aspects.

Thank you for being fellow workers in the kingdom of God at this time in this place. I pray that you are as encouraged in reading this report as I am.

Revd Mark Chester

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